Ciao a Tutti!
Le temperature in aumento e il sole splendente ci fanno pensare sempre di più
alla Primavera e ... alla fine dell'inverno!
Siamo pronti a chiudere ufficialmente nell'armadio
maglioni di lana, cappotti e piumini per indossare
camice e giacche leggere e colorate.
Come avrete già notato nei vari post dedicati alla Primavera/Estate 2012
accanto ai colori Fluo e alle tinte forti,che ci accompagnano dalla scorsa stagione,
tornano i colori chiari, appena accennati e le tinte pastello.
La parola d'ordine per vestiti e accessori è solo una: Colorare!
Mix e accostamenti contrastanti all'insegna dei colori
... dalle tinte più accese ... a quelle più delicate!
Vi proponiamo allora alcune delle Campagne Pubblicitarie delle maggiori case di moda
che ci hanno ispirate per la prossima Primavera/Estate 2012!
Buona Visione!
(Gli altri Post dedicati alla P/E 2012 : NailPolish - Bags Low-Cost - Dresses - Blazer - Pants&Shorts)
Hello Everyone!
The rising temperatures and sunshine make us think more and more
the Spring and ... at the end of winter!
We are ready to formally close in the cupboard
woolen sweaters, coats and jackets to wear
shirts and light jackets and colorful.
As you've noticed in different posts dedicated to the Spring/Summer 2012
together with Fluo colors and strong colors,that take us from last season,
back light and bright colors and pastel shades.
The word for dresses and accessories is only one: Paint!
Mix and matching contrasting colors in different ways
... from the boldest colors ... to the more delicate!
We then suggest some of the Campaigns of the major fashion brands
who have inspired us for the upcoming Spring / Summer 2012!
The rising temperatures and sunshine make us think more and more
the Spring and ... at the end of winter!
We are ready to formally close in the cupboard
woolen sweaters, coats and jackets to wear
shirts and light jackets and colorful.
As you've noticed in different posts dedicated to the Spring/Summer 2012
together with Fluo colors and strong colors,that take us from last season,
back light and bright colors and pastel shades.
The word for dresses and accessories is only one: Paint!
Mix and matching contrasting colors in different ways
... from the boldest colors ... to the more delicate!
We then suggest some of the Campaigns of the major fashion brands
who have inspired us for the upcoming Spring / Summer 2012!
(The others Posts dedicated to S/S 2012 : NailPolish - Bags Low-Cost - Dresses - Blazers - Pants&Shorts)
(Louis Vuitton) |
(Salvatore Ferragamo) |
(Furla) |
(Mulberry) |
(Zara) |
(Prada) |
(Furla) |
(Louis Vuitton) |
(Prada) |
(Versace) |
(Bottega Veneta) |
(Mango) |